Friday, December 9, 2016

Lesson 15: Project-Based Learning and Multimedia: What is it?

  After learning that we need to make use of a combination of learning resources and media to make our teaching as concrete as we can so abstractions will be clear and meaningful, let us now learn a method or learning that utilizes multimedia, project-based learning.

  Project-based Multimedia learning involves learning by doing in which the students can show their outputs through the use of multimedia. Other than that, we can also acquire important skills. These skills can be used in our daily lives as well as in our future affiliations. And so, it is important for us that we utilize various types of instructional media to achieve effective teaching-learning process. This is very essential especially for us, future educators. 

Lesson 14: Maximizing the Use of Overhead Projector and Chalkboard

  New technology introduced terms like multimedia, hypermedia, etc. But let us admit that the technology divide is real. Many schools esp. those who have not been reached by electricity for one reason or another, do not have a computer. As a result, chalkboard are used to facilitate learning.

  The use of OHP gives convenience and versatility. It gives a more transparent and clear presentation of your topics. However, without resources and electricity, the use of chalkboard can be very helpful. Just like the traditional way, it can be used as an instructional media. But good and clear handwriting is needed to be effective.

Lesson 13: Teaching with Visual Symbols

  From learning from of real-world experience, we proceed to the world of symbols. Visual drawings include drawings, cartoons, strip drawings, map, graphic organizer and others. This provide an abstract learning to the students. 

  The highest form of Dale’s Cone of Experience is the abstract learning. This involves Visual symbols and comes in many forms. The proper use of visual symbols can promote optimum learning. And so, the students must be guided. It also stimulated higher-order thinking and logical thinking of students. The most important thing is that as teachers, we must balance what IM’s to be used in the class.

Lesson 12: The Power of Film, Video and TV in the Classroom

  The appeal of visual media continues to make film, video and television as educational tools with high potential impact. They are very accessible and easy to use. So, let us use them as an instructional material in the classroom.


The use of film, videos, and television in instruction can be very powerful. It can gain attention and provide more realistic experience in learning which makes it more fun. However, if not used properly, it can encourage passivity. And so, we must encourage interactive viewing. We can give questions and activities so that they can also apply what they have learned.

Lesson 11: Making Most of Community Resources and Field trips

  Conducting field trips is also one of the instructional methods that we can use to provide authentic and concrete learning experience to our students. Yet, there are a lot of things to be considered when we conduct it. And so, this lesson will give us some tips on how to make the most of having field trips.


Field trips must be thoroughly planned out. And it is undeniably costly. But, it would also give rich experiences to the students. However, to have an effective and memorable experience, you must conduct field trips especially on  community resources that is very relevant and educational to them. Other than that, always follow the proper procedures to avoid inconveniences.