Sunday, March 19, 2017

Educational Technology 2: Computers as Information and Communication Technology

 Through computer technology, educators saw the amplification of learning along computer literacy. The evolving pace of innovation in today’s Information Age is so dynamic that within the first decade of the 21st century, computer technology in education has matured and transformed into an educative information and communication technology (ICT) in education.

      Technology’s role in education in the 21st century is vital. Yet, technology is also an essential tool in communication. By the use of technology as an educational and communicative tool, learning is more creative and interactive. And so, proper use of these technology and appropriate integration is needed to achieve learning goals. Teachers must properly choose the appropriate software or technology to use in a certain instruction or topic.

Educational Technology 2: Higher Thinking Skills Through IT-Based Projects

    There are four types of IT-based projects which can effectively be used in order to engage students in activities of a higher place of thinking.

   Whatever method that we use, it is the students themselves that would demonstrate higher thinking and creativity skills. The effectiveness of these methods would be on the students. They are the prime beneficiary and so, what they need is proper guidance. It is important they we play our role as facilitators and assessors of learning. Although all of the skills cannot be acquired fully in a single project, it still contributed a lot to the development of the learner’s thinking skill and creativity. 

Educational Technology 2: IT for Higher Thinking Skills and Creativity

       Today, students are expected to be not only cognitive, but also flexible, analytical and creative. There are proposed methods for the use of computer-based technologies as an integral support to higher thinking skills and creativity.

       Learning must involve the development of our creativity and thinking skills. Yet, in order to achieve this, we can use methods in teaching. One is the project method in which students can apply the concepts they have learned in an output. And yet, the essence of it is not the product, but how was it made. The process of creating it must be considered and be paid attention to. It is one thing to be considered so that we, future educators, will know whether the project was authentic and would show if they have progressed or not.

Educational Technology 2: IT Enters a New Learning Environment

              With the integration of technology to education, it is helpful to see conceptual models to see how effective teachers interact with students in innovative learning activities in the teaching and learning process.


    Through these conceptual models, it is very essential as future educators to know that there are various strategies in which we can use to encourage meaningful and lasting learning. Learning must not only be pure instruction and talking by the teacher but it is also direct experiences of the learners. Learning through self-engagement in life-long thus more meaningful. Therefore, as future educators, we must be able to give various opportunities to our students as they engage themselves in learning. We, must act as facilitators and guide them to achieve optimal learning experience.

Educational Technology 2: Educational Technology in the Pacific Region

        To provide confidence to educators that they are taking the right steps in adopting technology in education, it is good to know that during the last few years, progressive countries in the Asia Pacific Region have formulated state policies and strategies to infuse technology in schools.

             Knowing all of these state policies and strategies from the different countries in the Asia Pacific region, this implies that our country must also look into this development. We must also give attention especially to the modernization and improvement of the technology integration in our educational system. Considering the worldwide trends and also the needs of our millennial learners, we cannot neglect the fact that we need ample facilities to support educational technology. Thus, enough budget allocation and efforts must be needed to address this need. Also, educators and the government must work hand-in-hand for the development.