Thursday, September 29, 2016

Lesson 8: Contrived Experiences

    If for one reason or another, we cannot employ direct experiences as materials for instruction, let us make use of an “edited version of direct experience”-the contrived experience. In other words, they are substitutes of real things unlikely to be brought in class. These include models, mock-ups, specimens, objects, simulations and games. 

Although some things aren’t feasible to be brought in the class, learning is not hindered. That is because we can make use of these instructional materials that provide contrived experiences to the learners. Despite the fact that these instructional materials won’t actually copy all the characteristics of the real thing, these can give a huge impact on learning. With these models, mock ups and simulations, students may be able to manipulate the IM’s for closer and thorough observation for generation of ideas. Hence, these IM’s help in the abstraction of the students.

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