Thursday, September 29, 2016

Lesson 9: Dramatized Experiences

Dramatic experiences come next to contrived experiences in Dale’s Cone of Experience. A dramatic entrance is something that catches and holds our attention and has an emotional impact. Dramatized experiences can range from the formal plays, pageants, tableau, pantomime, puppets and role-playing.

   Through these dramatic experiences, the student’s multiple intelligences will be catered. These include the kinesthetic, musical and interpersonal skills. The process undertaken is more on the development of the social aspect of the students where there is creative interaction and sharing of ideas taking place. Thus, it is very beneficial to the students. Not only it is beneficial, it also catches attention and excites students’ interest in learning. Hence, the teacher should make use of the different experiences so that the students may feel eagerness to learn and it may leave a huge impact on them.

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